⏩ Now a times International media including Indian Media Houses all had covered the India-China LAC Ladakh Protest and after that they all shifted to a Armenia-Azerbaijan fight and this was also covered on a large scale as Turkey, Russia and Israel are involved in that and most of the reports were came across them.
⏩ Well in the present situation Afghanistan is the hot topics and all the media houses are covering that. Some of countries are supporting to Taliban and taking there Interviews while some of countries are constantly supporting to Afghanistan Government.
⏩ Till now it is difficult to predict that for how long time India will take to support
openly to the Afghanistan government but on the back door diplomatic steps all the options will be in searching mode.⏩ If we talked about Pakistan then they had selected the Taliban from the Afghanistan government and Taliban and constantly focusing on the Border B/W Afghanistan and Taliban as they had completed the cease fire on the eastern part of border with India. On against of that India had choose the Afghanistan Government and after that the questions are arise that ..........
1.) When India will support the Afghanistan Government openly.
2.) When India will announce the support by officially?
3.) When India will help by Military assistance to the Afghanistan?
4.) When India will supply the weapons to the Afghan Security Forces?
5.) When India will take action via Air strike to support Afghan Army just same as America?
and so on.........
⏩ Well this is not exactly as easy as by thinking but in this issue we also want support from the Afghanistan Government as well. We are on that Afghanistan needs our support? Afganistan want that we will help them? and all kind of stuff also came across......
⏩ Recently when Indian Media house The Hindu carried out one interview with Afghanistan President that time they had asked that if Afghanistan Wants to interfere India in their issue, That time President replies that we are sure that India is their supporter and partner in the developing but as of now we don't want that India interfere in this. Now in Afghanistan time is over to use the International Army and Support we all want to use own. After that Interview the questions is totally over that Afghanistan doesn't want to Interfere India? But not only that the questions are still confusing that India is helping to Afghanistan by any other platform or not? They are giving some back door support or not?
⏩ But as now Afghanistan also cleared statements on that and The Indian Ambassador has given an Interview to the ANI news agency and they told that as of now we don't want any of the support from India we are receiving sufficient help from the International countries and that is well enough.
⏩ Ambassador Farid Mamunzey said that as now we are not talking with India to take any military assistance but we are receiving enough help from the NATO countries and America. Further he told that if we need Indian Military Assistance n future then we definitely asked the India to help us.
⏩ Now after this statements the questions will arise that what can India Do for the Afghanistan as of Now.? In this conditions we are required that we have to ready with the help side which we want to give to Afghanistan. Just because In Afghanistan situations had changing day by day. On the 1st day Afghanistan Forces had got the fever and on the 2nd day Taliban.
⏩ America had carried out 90% troops and remaining was totally carried out by 30 August, which was already announce by Joe Biden. After that Afghanistan Forces will have only support from the Indian Forces. After that America doesn't come again for he help of Afghanistan that's why we have to finalize all the strategy behalf of this month.
⏩ Well in India there were large numbers of people who were distributed along the Taliban and Afghanistan. Many are saying that after defeating of Russia and America we are not enough to have send our army in Afghanistan. But what you feel for that sent a comment.